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Tortoise Trading Post

Welcome to our web site the 'Tortoise Trading Post'. Here, we share our experiences, give practical breeding information and list tortoises for sale or wanted. We hope you find the site informative-have fun and check back for updates.
At present our collection specialises in two Mediterranean species - Marginated Tortoise (Testudo marginata) and the western race of Hermann's Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni). Recently we have expanded into an exotic species, The Radiated Tortoise (Asterochelys radiata) and Aldabran Giants. Please watch this web site as we will update the information in Spring 2003.

Navigating our site
Our site has been designed to be user friendly and easy to find the information you require. It is divided into main sections with a separate page for each species, tortoises for sale or wanted and finally, our links page to get you to other helpful sources of information FAST.

Marginated Tortoises
Our breeding colony of Testudo marginata showing a mixed group of breeding males and females with juveniles.